
The power of the present moment

December 15, 2020

How often do you just sit? Without your computer. Without your phone. Without writing a list or working or thinking? How often are you just in a quiet moment? We spend SO much of our time doing and thinking rather than being. Over the next week, why don’t you join us in a little challenge […]

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I'm the founder of Barre Body and Bende. I'm passionate about living my dream life and growing my businesses, and helping you to do the same. 


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How often do you just sit? Without your computer. Without your phone. Without writing a list or working or thinking? How often are you just in a quiet moment?

We spend SO much of our time doing and thinking rather than being.

Over the next week, why don’t you join us in a little challenge to find a moment to be fully present in each day.

Perhaps it’s on the train, or bus or plane, or walking down the street, or waiting in a queue, or eating your lunch, or just sitting quietly.

Take a few minutes to be. To be present and not distracted.

Notice what you see, what you smell, what you hear, what you feel. Be present and aware.

It’s so simple, it’s almost comical that we don’t slow down to be present and in the moment.

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