Very early in my career, a colleague asked me to answer the following question about my work, “Does it make your heart sing?”.
I loved this idea. I loved it so much. The words themselves sang to me. The very idea (and feeling) that I could reflect on where I was and what I was doing through the lens of joy, made me giddy with the promise that one day I could choose to live in a way that made my heart sing.
I remember at the time reflecting on my burgeoning career in marketing and knowing that it, in itself, most definitely did not make my heart sing. I enjoyed it, but it didn’t move me in the way in the way that I knew a career in the wellness industry could.
In the 15 years that followed, every career and study choice I’ve made has been has been with that idea in mind. Does it make my heart sing? I can tell you now, that with 8 beautiful Barre Body studios, teaching retreats in some of the most beautiful places in the world, and writing content for Vogue (!!!), I truly am living a heart-singing-out-loud kind of life.
So I invite you to consider your life right now. Sit quietly and write the words “Does it make your heart sing?” on one piece of paper, and the words “career”, “home”, “relationships”, “self-education”, “interests”, “travel”, and “health & wellbeing” – as well as any other areas of your life you might like to ponder – on other pieces of paper. Then with “Does it make your heart sing?” on the left and one piece of paper at a time on the right, ask yourself the question of that area of your life and see how you feel.
This might be a little confronting at first, but use the contemplation to start to develop an action plan to begin living the life you truly want to live. One that makes your heart sing!
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